Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions contained herein shall apply to any person (“User”) using the services of Curio Lifestyle hereinafter “Curio”) for making payments through an online payment gateway service provider, through website i.e. www.curiolifestyle.com. Each User is therefore deemed to have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.

Curio is only providing a link to the Payment Gateway Service provider or the Bank which will enable customers to pay online. For your convenience, this page may contain certain hyperlinks to other Curio pages as well as to websites outside Curio. In addition, you may have linked to our website from another website. Curio cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other websites, even if you access them using links from our website. Curio can make no promises or guarantees regarding data collection on the hyperlinked pages and on websites that are not owned by Curio. Curio recommends that you check the policy of each website you visit, or link from, and contact the owners or operators of such websites if you have any concerns or questions.

If any Payment Gateway Service Provider or Bank imposes any taxes or charges, the same shall be borne by the customer, Curio shall be indemnified from any such claims.

The customer agrees to indemnify and hold Curio harmless against all claims, losses, damages and actions that the customers may initiate in relation to the online payment gateway. Neither Curio nor any of its employees or offices shall be liable for any such loss or damage that may be suffered by the customer as a result of such usage.

All payments will be processed on the basis of the information that you provide. Curio does not accept any liability if you make a mistake while completing a form or for any reason whatsoever.

Once the payment has been confirmed online, you will be given a transaction number. Please note the transaction number and quote in any queries about the payment.

Curio may add to, change or remove any part of these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, without notice. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions of Use or any terms posted on this Site apply as soon as they are posted. By continuing to use this Site after any changes are posted, you are indicating your acceptance of those changes. Curio reserves the right to undertake all necessary steps to ensure that the security, safety and integrity of Curio’s systems remain, well–protected.