Return & Refund Policy

In case you want to return the product, you can do it within 7 working days from the day you received your order, as long as the product is in excellent condition, having its special markings (cards) and the order receipt or invoice. You should contact our company regarding your request, by sending us an e-mail at

Refund for fraudulent/duplicate transaction(s): The User shall directly contact Curio for any fraudulent transaction(s) on account of misuse of Card/ Bank details by a fraudulent individual/party and such issues shall be suitably addressed by Curio alone in line with their policies and rules.

Server Slow Down/Session Timeout: In case the Website or Payment Service Provider’s web page, that is linked to the Website, is experiencing any server related issues like ‘slow down’ or ‘failure’ or ‘session timeout’, the User shall, before initiating the second payment, check whether his/her Bank Account has been debited or not and accordingly resort to one of the following options: (I) In case the Bank Account appears to be debited, ensure that he/ she does not make the payment twice and immediately thereafter contact Curio via e-mail or any other mode of contact as provided by Curio to confirm payment. (II) In case the Bank Account is not debited, the User may initiate a fresh transaction to make payment. However, the User agrees that under no circumstances the Payment Gateway Service Provider shall be held responsible for such fraudulent/duplicate transactions and hence no claims should be raised to Payment Gateway Service Provider. No communication received by the Payment Service Provider(s) in this regard shall be entertained by the Payment Service Provider(s).

Payment Gateway Disclaimer: The Service is provided in order to facilitate access to view and pay dues online. Curio or the Payment Service Provider(s) do not make any representation of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the Payment Gateway other than what is specified in the Website for this purpose. By accepting/ agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the User expressly agrees that his/ her use of the aforesaid online payment Service is entirely at own risk and responsibility of the User.